how we play

We usually show up for investors when their road to investment success runs into a phase change. That phase change provides options for alternate routes.

At its heart a phase change is a disruption of the status quo, maybe self-imposed or market-imposed. That means an examination of new opportunities and possibilities. And maybe considering the road less travelled.

We help navigate the road less travelled by that investor encountering that phase change.

It starts with Resolve. What kind of investor are you resolved to be? What are your goals and aspirations? Just how much effort are you prepared to undertake to achieve it?

Resources include your skill sets, capital at hand, debt availability, operational engineering, financial engineering, bandwidth capacity, and outsourced skill sets. And investment savvy.

Reward is the profitability of existing and new investments. It includes free cash flow, leveraging existing infrastructure and skill sets, and capital appreciation. And time to Reward.

Risk is a factor that is emergent from the three Rs above, and most influenced by Resolve. We believe the biggest difference in determining “risk-adjusted rewards” lies with Resolve.

We navigate the road less traveled for professional real estate investors

where we play

We usually show up for investors when their road to investment success runs into a phase change. That phase change provides options for alternate routes.

At its heart a phase change is a disruption of the status quo, maybe self-imposed or market-imposed. That means an examination of new opportunities and possibilities. And maybe considering the road less traveled.

We help navigate the road less traveled by that investor encountering that phase change.

An internal phase change can result from deciding to shift between core or core plus or value add or opportunity investments.

An internal phase change can result from a strategic decision to roll out a new format facility and dispose of the older dated facilities. It can be build to core versus buy core.

An external phase change can result from the demands of further investments to postpone the gradual decline of any particular property in securing the best tenants as occupants.

An external phase change for a market can result from the development of a new transit system that affects locational advantages.

An external phase change for the general market can result from the increasing proportion of on-line shopping as a percentage of consumer spending.

We navigate the road less traveled for professional real estate investors

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