Transaction History
We pay attention to commercial real estate sales for both asset class (office, industrial, retail, multi-family and commercial land) and price range, as these are industry metrics for many of the investors with which we deal.
We use price ranges of $5-10 million, $10-$20 million, $20-50 million and $50 million plus. That mostly aligns with how individual investors, family offices, investment managers and institutional investors describe their ideal investment criteria.
The following charts are notable for a few reasons:
- it is clearer just how much land sales have dominated sales of $5 – $10 million and $10 – $20 million starting in 2017;
- It is odd how few sales of industrial property occurred throughout the period;
- sales more than $50 million are dominated by office buildings, and
- there were no land sales more than $50 million throughout the period and only one sale of industrial.
Some provisos: we do not include hotels or retirement homes or student housing or self-storage; and, if there is a portfolio sale, we count that as one transaction and at the price for the portfolio.
transactions over $50 million
transactions between $20 million and $50 million
transactions between $10 million and $20 million
transactions between $5 million and $10 million
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